Friday, September 17, 2010

28 weeks - baby is growing and so am I!

28 weeks - baby is the size of a Chinese Cabbage, weighs 2.25 lbs, and is about 15" long. He is now blinking, coughing, sucking and breathing! His lungs have actually reached maturity at this point so the good news is that if something crazy were to happen and little bean decided to join the world now his prognosis would be excellent. Of course we want him to keep baking a good while longer.

28 weeks - mama is most definitely NOT the size of a Chinese Cabbage :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

August Visit From My Aunt & Mom - getting ready for baby!

Late August we were so lucky to have a visit from my aunt and mom. The did so much work helping me prepare for our little guy! They helped us get our crib put together, bookcase built and painted the baby's room. So exciting!! There is still a bit of decorating to do in the room - I'm going to hang some pictures, get one more little storage shelf etc, but here are some pictures of the current progress. (I think if you click them you can see them bigger)

They also threw me a great baby shower with my girlfriends here in Portland. Let me start with saying that I really was unsure about having a shower. I didn't have a wedding shower and I just feel funny being "in the spotlight". (It was nice to share my Wisconsin shower with Andrea!). But I let them convince me to do it and I'm SOOO glad. It ended up being one of the best days I've ever had. I was emotional all weekend and am just so thankful for the friendships I have made here in Portland. Here are a few photos from the shower.

with my Aunt - by the way I was 25.5 weeks at the shower

just chatting

Allison & Angie trying to free their babies in the "my water broke!" game. Allison was super competitive and won all three of the games - hilarious!
check out Parker snoozin' on the back of the chair - he wasn't so into the game ;)

Kara & Sarah

Michelle & Gayle

We also had a great time just running errands, picking up baby items and of course celebrating my 31st birthday!! (that's hard to believe - wow I'm getting old). Here are some pictures from the rest of the week.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

July visit to Wisconsin

We had a great visit to see Steve's family in Wisconsin this past July! It was of course busy, busy, but so fun.

There were a number of big events going on during our visit:

1) my first baby shower - it was so fun to see everyone. Steve's mom collaborated with his Aunt Kathy to throw a joint shower for me and Andrea, Steve's cousin who is also pregnant and due about 3 weeks before me. Steve's aunt Linda even made it - she's been recovering from chemo and it was a huge, emotional surprise. It was a ton of fun and really special to feel all the love and support. This little guy is one loved baby already!

2) baby Autumn's baptism! - so sweet and precious. We met our niece and goddaughter Autumn for the first time during our visit. She was just 2 months old and teeny tiny!! It was so wonderful to cuddle with her throughout the week and give Steve a taste of what is to come!

3) fish fry at Grandma Jean's - yummy! we got to spend quite a bit of time with Steve's dear grandma, Jean. She's so lovely and we treasure time with her. We had a fish fry at her house one day and got all all the sons, wives, grandsons and their wives and great grand kids together. So special!

4) We threw an impromptu "birthday hang out" for Steve's dad's upcoming 60th birthday. He's a special guy and very loved on this big birthday!! (and always!)

We also got to visit with other family a bunch - Steve's aunts and cousins - and I got to see my Wisconsin gals Jamie and Jessica and Jessica's little ones, Drew and Aubrey. The week just flew by!