Just a quick update for you all. I headed to see the midwife today for my 34 week check up. (I'll see her again at 36 weeks and then start going every week from there.) The baby's heartbeat is still looking good in the 140's but in the last two weeks he appears to have had a major growth spurt!
I'm actually measuring 36 weeks pregnant now but I'm technically only 34 weeks along. Two weeks ago I was measuring spot on at 32 weeks but since then the baby has apparently grown quite a bit. (This would also explain the shocking 6 pounds I've gained in the last two weeks alone!!) The midwife said we'll double check again when I go back in two weeks because things may level out.
We also found out today that baby has turned and is in position for birth, which is great! He's already got his head down and is ready to go - meaning he is not sideways or breech any longer.
So excited the countdown is on! Can't wait to meet our baby boy!
This weekend we are headed to meet our newest family member, Andrea & John's son, baby Charlie! Can't wait to snuggle him and see how the new mama and papa are doing!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
note from previous post
I know lots of you follow the blog in your email, but if you want to see the video I put in the post "31 weeks" you'll actually have to go to the blog here:
Saturday, October 2, 2010
31 weeks

Wow! I'll be 31 weeks in 2 days...that's crazy. When I think about only having 9 weeks left (if we make it to 40 weeks) I start to get panicked about all there is to do!! I also am panicking a bit about how little time Steve and I have left as just Steve and I. I'm hoping we can get away for a weekend at the coast or something before the baby comes. Mostly though, I'm just getting eager to meet our little man!
New in the last three weeks is that I'm actually feeling really pregnant. And not in great ways. I'm not sleeping well - hip pain, back pain, insomnia, etc. and my back has been hurting so bad that I've been seeing a chiropractor. I'm also having some rib pain on the right side - I'm thinking little guy has decided to settle himself into a position where his feet are right up under mommy's ribs. yay. not.
In other news, I'm also starting to feel really sentimental about all that has gone on this year and what is to come. I was sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office yesterday and had to hold back tears as I watched a couple leave oohing and ahhing over their first ultrasound photos and another couple nervously waiting to to in for their first ultra sound. Neither woman looked pregnant at all yet and I just remembered so clearly how Steve and I sat nervously/excitedly in that waiting room to see our little bean for the first time not long ago! What an amazing journey this is!!
I came across this video a few weeks ago and every time I watch it it makes me cry ;) So sweet I had to share! Enjoy :)
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