On Nolan's actual birthday, we just kept it low key - opening gifts from grandma, grandpa, aunties and uncles. It was a nice, simple day of just remembering this time last year.
The following weekend we had friends over for a baby birthday party! It was a mix of grown up friends and baby friends and was such a great time. Thank you SO much to those of you who came to celebrate Nolan's special day with us!! Unfortunately, Nolan woke up that morning with his first winter cold :( so he was pretty snotty and red-nosed through the party, but that didn't stop him from having fun! Here are some pictures from the day.
The theme was The Very Hungry Caterpillar - thanks Uncle Kev, Autumn and Logan for the book and stuffed caterpillar! The foods served were all from the book and I made cute little tags for them.
I made a little caterpillar banner with my favorite pictures of Nolan newborn-12 months
This is Nolan's very best buddy, Owen. Owen's mom, Angela is one of my best buddies. We met in mom's group when the boys were just a few weeks old. Oh and Nolan is WAY into hugging other little kids now (not so much mommy and daddy) but he LOVES hugging other kids!
This is another one of Nolan's best buddies, Tabitha. Tabitha is a friend of mine and she watches Nolan 2 mornings a week while I teach.
mmmm, cake!!! Unfortunately this is about as much cake as he would eat. He did not like it! Shocking!! Is he not his mother's child??! Guess we should have practiced for the big cake-smashing day...
the bows and ribbons on the other hand were a big hit!
here mommy, you try it!
hugging his big boy friend Marshall
more hugs for baby friend Nathan! (though Nathan isn't too sure about all this hugging)
a boy and his balloons

Then this past weekend we hosted a big birthday celebration for all of the babies in our mom's group. All of the babies are right around the same age.
Playing peek-a-boo with Owen under the table
we did a book exchange so all of the babies got to open a gift
whew! getting the hat on for 20 seconds to take this picture was a big deal!
he ate some cupcake!
and finally here is a youtube video of us singing Happy Birthday to the babies. I did not take it so it kind of focuses on one of the other babies, but still cute nonetheless. Enjoy!
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